The aim of the one to one sessions are to identify a persons strength and weaknesses in their movement. To then deliver a physical programme that is progressive and designed to maximise a persons mobility and fitness level. This is person and functionally specific. It may include activities such as walking, climbing the stairs, shopping, gardening, or simply being able to roll over and change position in bed. It may also be about returning to work, or to a previous hobby or sport.
Our neurophysiotherapists are specialists within the field of movement and neurology. They have an expert knowledge base to be able to understand movement dysfunctions, and the influence of these on function. They have a specialist set of skills in understanding the potential for change, otherwise known as neuroplasticty, and have honed an excellent skillset of facilitation whether it be hands on, or strength and conditioning, that will influence positive plastic adaptations. After an initial assessment, our neurophysiotherapists will formulate a targetted, structured rehabilitation programme tailored to your specific needs. They can also identify with you if any other programmes at the clinic such as the Litegait, neurofit classes, nurokor muscle stimulation could help benefit your treatment programme.
We have different appointment lengths, 45 or 60 minutes, which require focus from both the therapist and patient.